Rua Boa Vista, 950 – Boa Vista, Barreirinhas – MA / CEP: 65590-000 – Brasil
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Cardosa is one of those places where you feel perfectly integrated with nature. The small Povoado de Cardosa belongs to the municipality of Paulino Neves but is closer to Barreirinhas. On an hour-and-a-half trip you will arrive to the village and to the bathing point on the Formiga River, a serene, meek river with crystalline waters, shallow which offers one of the most relaxing walks in the Lençóis region.

With a buoy or lifejacket you float, navigating the winding river bed for about an hour and a half between the native bush with its imposing buriti. The light stream provides a delightful and refreshing walk where you can slowly enjoy a pleasant swim while contemplating nature.

We advise this tour on your last day of stay as a relaxation before traveling. If the tour is in the morning, a good request is for you to have lunch in the village. We recommend the delicious rustic chicken prepared by Dona Ivonete and served in her simple but cozy and quirky restaurant.