Rua Boa Vista, 950 – Boa Vista, Barreirinhas – MA / CEP: 65590-000 – Brasil
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On the right bank of the Rio Preguiças River, from which it descends towards the sea, is Caburé, a village located in an arm of land between the river and the sea. The distance between the two is less than 200 meters. The calm and clean waters of the Barra offer an excellent opportunity for bathing.

When one arrives in Caburé, especially for those who come from Tutoia, one has the impression that one has reached the last frontier of the earth, at the edge of the world, and that from now on there is nothing else, so rustic and wild is the place. Light only from generator and until 10:00 at night, then the darkness reveals a sky studded with stars that when you contemplate it has the exact sensation of the human dimension. It’s incredible. If you want to stay a few days in this peninsula, no problem, some simple but comfortable inns will be able to host you and there are small restaurants where you can eat a great Maranhão food.